Making a Firewood Carrier - Streaming



A Green Woodworking Primer:
Making a Firewood Carrier

with Peter Galbert

In the process of building this Firewood Carrier, Peter Galbert shows how working with green wood enables you to work efficiently with hand tools while unleashing the strength and flexibility of the material. If you are interested in chairmaking, this video covers the basic skills involved in splitting, shaving, bending, drying, and joining green wood, which are the foundation of chairmaking.

Peter Galbert is widely respected for his beautiful, hand crafted chairs of the Windsor tradition. He is an active teacher, writer, and toolmaker who enjoys sharing his knowledge of hand-tool techniques, wood selection, steam-bending, and working with unseasoned, green wood. Peter writes the Chairnotes blog, produces woodworking tools like the Galbert Caliper, and published his first book "Chairmaker's Notebook” with Lost Art Press in 2015. He currently lives and works in Boston, MA.


1. Introduction

2. Working with Green Wood

3. Concepts in Splitting

4. Selecting the Right Species

5. Splitting the Log

6. Splitting Out the Parts

7. The Drawknife

8. Tuning the Drawknife

9. The Shave Horse

10. Shaving the Bow

11. Dimensioning the Bow

12. Steam Bending

13. Sizing the Tenons

14. The Mortises

90 minutes. Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Productions, 2017.

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