17th Century Wainscot Chair - DVD Lie-Nielsen Toolworks

17th Century Wainscot Chair - DVD



17th Century Wainscot Chair

with Peter Follansbee

The Wainscot Chair is one of the hallmarks of 17th century joinery. In this DVD, Peter demonstrates how to prepare material from a section of oak, shape the chair pieces using bench tools and a pole lathe, and join them together with drawbored mortise and tenon joints. He also offers two traditional approaches for making the angled joints of this chair.

Peter Follansbee specializes in 17th century period joinery and green woodworking. He spent over 20 years making reproductions furniture at Plimoth Plantation, the living history museum in Plymouth, MA. Peter teaches in craft schools in the US, UK and Sweden and received the Wille Sundqvist and Bill Coperthwaite Slöjd Fellowship in 2016. He co-authored the book, "Make a Joint Stool from a Tree: An Introduction to 17th Century Joinery," with Jennie Alexander. Peter is also featured in several other Lie-Nielsen videos.

218 minutes. Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Productions, 2014.

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